Antidepressants linked

To violent behaviors and deadly outcomes

2024-10-16 18:24:53 - Socrates X

Critics warn that certain antidepressants, including Prozac and Zoloft, may increase the risk of violent behavior, including murder. These drugs, prescribed to treat depression and anxiety, have been linked to dangerous side effects that can cause a disconnect from reality. Individuals taking these medications have reported uncharacteristic aggressive impulses, sometimes with deadly results.

Dr. David Healy, an expert in psychopharmacology and the effects of antidepressants, has been vocal about the serious risks these drugs pose. During his “Mad in America” webinar, Healy presented a series of tragic cases involving individuals who led stable lives before being prescribed antidepressants, which led them to exhibit aggressive or homicidal behavior.

One case involved 12-year-old Christopher Pittman, who started exhibiting violent behavior shortly after taking Zoloft. Less than a month into the prescription, he claimed to hear a voice telling him to kill his grandparents, which he did before setting their house on fire.

In 2005, Pittman was sentenced to 30 years in prison. While his defense argued that Zoloft caused his actions, the jury rejected the claim. U.S. Circuit Judge Daniel Pieper gave Pittman the most lenient sentence possible, acknowledging the complexity of the situation.

Dr. Healy referenced Pieper’s statement during the sentencing:

“It seems to turn the whole medical system on its side if you can’t rely on the medication your doctor prescribes. It potentially forces you into a situation of lifetime commitment if that drug induces an effect of which you are unaware when you go on it. There’s something disconcerting about that … probably of a legal nature, that’s troubling me.”

Pharma likely knows these drugs come with dangerous side effects, but critics argue that pharmaceutical companies downplay the risks to protect profits. Healy has raised concerns about the trust people place in institutions like the FDA, highlighting how hard it is for many to accept that medications could lead to extreme violence.

“The greatest concentration of ‘fake news’ on this earth centers on the drugs your doctor gives you. Not just the SSRIs, but all of them.”

Dr. David Healy

Critics continue to push for more transparency from pharmaceutical companies and tighter regulations on labeling, emphasizing the serious dangers posed by these widely prescribed drugs.

For more details, read the full article here.

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